On-chain Sequencing Proposal


If you've successfully performed fast-track migration, you do not need to follow the steps on this page.

In this section you will be integrating the KailuaGame contract with your rollup's DisputeGameFactory. This will allow Kailua sequencers to submit new proposals!

The commands below will be using Foundry's cast utility, which you should have installed as part of the foundry prerequisite.


The below foundry commands expect both a parameter that determines the wallet to use and the rpc endpoint of the parent chain. You will have to add these two parameters manually to every command below. For more information, refer to cast call --help, and cast send --help


If your rollup owner account is controlled by a Safe contract, or some other multi-sig contract, you can use cast calldata to get the necessary input that your wallet contract should forward.

Set KailuaGame Implementation

The next step is to update the implementation for the Kailua game type stored in the DisputeGameFactory contract to point towards the KailuaGame contract deployed previously. This can be done as follows using your owner wallet:

  "setImplementation(uint32, address)" \


You have now enabled Kailua sequencing proposals to be published!

Designate Vanguard (Optional)

To assign a Vanguard, you'll need to call assignVanguard on the anchoring game instance you created. This can be done as follows using your owner wallet:

  "assignVanguard(address, uint64)" \


You have now designated a Vanguard for Kailua sequencing proposals!

Enable Withdrawals (Optional)

To enable your users to perform withdrawals using Kailua sequencing proposals, you will need to call setRespectedGameType on your OptimismPortal2 contract using your guardian wallet.


This action may cause your optimism op-proposer agent to crash. However, you will later run the Kailua proposer agent for sequencing anyway.

  "setRespectedGameType(uint32)" \


You have now enabled withdrawals using resolved (finalized) Kailua sequencing proposals!