
Kailua's project structure is primarily as follows:

kailua                      // Root project directory
├── bin                     
│   ├── cli                 // Main Kailua CLI
│   ├── client              // FPVM Client
│   └── host                // FPVM Host
├── book                    // This document
├── build                   
│   └── risczero            // RISC Zero zkVM proving backend
├── crates                  
│   ├── common              // Fault proving primitives
│   └── contracts           // Fault proof contracts
├── justfile                // Convenience commands
└── testdata
    └── 16491249            // Example FPVM test data for op-sepolia block


The CLI for Kailua is designed to support five main commands:

  • config: Outputs configuration information required for migration.
  • fast-track: Automatically upgrades an existing rollup deployment to utilize Kailua for fault proving.
  • propose: Monitor a rollup for sequencing state and publish proposals on-chain (akin to op-proposer).
  • validate: Monitor a rollup for disputes and publish the necessary FPVM proofs for resolution.
  • fault: Submit garbage proposals to test fault proving.


The contracts directory is a foundry project comprised of the following main contracts:

  • KailuaTournament.sol: Logic for resolving disputes between contradictory proposals.
  • KailuaTreasury.sol: Logic for maintaining collateral and paying out provers for resolving disputes.
  • KailuaGame.sol: Logic for introducing new sequencing proposals.
  • KailuaLib.sol: Misc. utilities.

The kailua-contracts crate builds and exports these contracts in Rust.


The Kailua FPVM executes Optimism's Kona inside the RISC Zero zkVM to derive and execute optimism blocks and create fault proofs. The following project components work together to enable this functionality:

  • bin/host: A modified version of Kona's host binary, which acts as an oracle for the witness data required to create a fault proof.
  • bin/client: A modified version of Kona's client binary, which executes the fpvm while querying the host for the necessary chain data.
  • build/risczero/fpvm: The zkVM binary to create ZK fault proofs with Kona.
  • crates/common: A wrapper crate around Kona with utilities for efficient ZK fault proving.