On-chain Contracts

In order to utilize Kailua, you'll need to deploy the Kailua dispute contracts, and configure your rollup to use them. This process will require access to your rollup's 'Owner' and 'Guardian' wallets.


The steps required to upgrade your on-chain rollup contracts to support Kailua are as follows:

  1. (Optional) Deploy a RISC Zero Verifier contract set.
    • This can be skipped by using a pre-existing verifier contract.
  2. Deploy a KailuaTreasury and a KailuaGame contract with your configuration.
  3. Initialize the KailuaTreasury contract to mark the start of sequencing under Kailua.
  4. Update the rollup's DisputeGameFactory contract to use KailuaGame for sequencing proposals.
    • (Optional) Designate a Vanguard proposer.
    • (Optional) Enable withdrawals using finalized Kailua proposals.


The Kailua CLI has a fast-track command for automating the L1 transactions required to migrate to Kailua. If the command does not yet support your configuration, you'll need to follow the manual steps in the next sub-sections.


You might find it useful to rehearse migration using a local devnet first.

Estimated Gas Costs

The below table contains rounded-up gas cost estimates of various contract operations

KailuaGameproveValidity400KGroth16 proof
KailuaGameresolve115KUndisputed validity
KailuaGameproveOutputFault275K4 kzg proofs
KailuaGameproveOutputFault625KGroth16 + 4 kzg proofs
KailuaGameproveOutputFault500KGroth16 + 2 kzg proofs
KailuaGameresolve210K1 disputed fault

Fast-track Migration


The fast-track migration tool is restricted to certain rollup deployment configurations. As the tool is improved to accommodate more setups, these requirements will be relaxed.


  1. The "Owner" account must be a "Safe" contract instance controlled by a single private-key controlled wallet (EOA).
  2. The "Guardian" account must be a private-key controlled wallet (EOA).
  3. You must have access to the raw private key(s) above.


You can skip the guardian key/account requirements if you do not wish to enable withdrawals against sequencing proposals made by Kailua as part of the fast-track process via the respect-kailua-proposals flag. You can enable withdrawals manually later using the OptimismPortal2 contract.


If all the above conditions are met, you can fast track the migration of your rollup to Kailua as follows:

kailua-cli fast-track \
      --eth-rpc-url [YOUR_ETH_RPC_URL] \
      --op-geth-url [YOUR_OP_GETH_URL] \
      --op-node-url [YOUR_OP_NODE_URL] \
      --starting-block-number [YOUR_STARTING_BLOCK_NUMBER] \
      --proposal-output-count [YOUR_OUTPUTS_PER_PROPOSAL] \
      --output-block-span [YOUR_BLOCKS_PER_OUTPUT] \
      --proposal-time-gap [YOUR_PROPOSAL_TIME_GAP] \
      --collateral-amount [YOUR_COLLATERAL_AMOUNT] \
      --verifier-contract [RISC_ZERO_VERIFIER_ADDRESS] \
      --challenge-timeout [YOUR_CHALLENGE_PERIOD] \
      --deployer-key [YOUR_DEPLOYER_KEY] \
      --owner-key [YOUR_OWNER_KEY] \
      --guardian-key [YOUR_GUARDIAN_KEY] \
      --vanguard-address [YOUR_VANGUARD_ADDRESS] \
      --vanguard-advantage [YOUR_VANGUARD_ADVANTAGE] \


All the parameters above can be provided as environment variables.


The first three parameters to this command are the L1 and L2 RPC endpoints:

  • eth-rpc-url: The endpoint for the parent chain.
  • op-geth-url: The endpoint for the rollup execution client.
  • op-node-url: The endpoint for the rollup consensus client.


The next three parameters configure sequencing:

  • starting-block-number: The rollup block number to immediately finalize and start sequencing from.
  • proposal-output-count: The number of intermediate output commitments published per proposal.
  • output-block-span: The number of rollup blocks each intermediate output commitment must cover.
  • proposal-time-gap: The minimum amount of time (in seconds) that must pass before a rollup block can be sequenced.


The sequencing state at the block starting-block-number as reported by the op-node will be finalized without delay.

Fault Proving

The next three parameters configure fault proving:

  • collateral-amount: The amount of collateral (in wei) a sequencer has to stake before publishing proposals.
  • verifier-contract: (Optional) The address of the existing RISC Zero verifier contract to use. If this argument is omitted, a new set of verifier contracts will be deployed.
    • If you wish to use an already existing verifier, you must provide this argument, even if the config command had located a verifier.
    • If you are deploying a new verifier contract and wish to support fake proofs generated in dev mode (insecure), make sure to set RISC0_DEV_MODE=1 in your environment before invoking the fast-track command.
  • challenge-timeout: The timeout (in seconds) for a sequencing proposal to be contradicted.

Ethereum Transactions

The next three parameters are the private keys for the respective parent chain wallets:

  • deployer-key: Private key for the EOA used to deploy the new Kailua contracts.
  • owner-key: Private key for the sole EOA controlling the Owner "Safe" contract.
  • guardian-key: Private key for the EOA used as the "Guardian" of the optimism portal.
KMS Support

Instead of raw private keys, you can use either AWS or GCP for obtaining transaction signatures from a KMS.

  • AWS: Specify a corresponding [EOA]-aws-key-id parameter. The remainder of the AWS configuration is handled by the AWS SDK.
    • Example: deployer-aws-key-id.
  • GCP: Specify the corresponding [EOA]-google-project-id, [EOA]-google-location, [EOA]-google-keyring and [EOA]-google-key-name parameters.
    • Example: owner-google-project-id, owner-google-location, owner-google-keyring and owner-google-key-name.

Vanguard Proposer

The next two (optional) parameters define the Vanguard proposer advantage:

  • vanguard-address: The address of the designated Vanguard.
  • vanguard-advantage: The amount of time (in seconds) to grant proposal exclusivity to the Vanguard.
    • If unspecified, this defaults to 1152921504606846975 (a practically indefinite advantage of 36 Billion years).



Changing the respected game type to Kailua may crash the op-proposer provided by optimism depending on its version. This should be inconsequential because you'll need to run the Kailua proposer for further sequencing to take place anyway.

The final argument configures withdrawals in your rollup:

  • respect-kailua-proposals: (if present) will allow withdrawals using sequencing proposals finalized by Kailua.


If you've successfully completed fast-track migration using the tool, you may now skip to the Off-chain page.