Kailua Validator

The Kailua validator watches your rollup for sequencing proposals that contradict each other and generates a ZK fault proof to settle the dispute between them.


The Kailua validator agent requires access to an archive op-geth rollup node to retrieve data during proof generation. Node software other than op-geth is not as reliable for the necessary debug namespace rpc calls.


Starting the Kailua validator is straightforward:

kailua-cli validate \
  --eth-rpc-url [YOUR_ETH_RPC_URL] \
  --beacon-rpc-url [YOUR_BEACON_RPC_URL] \
  --op-geth-url [YOUR_OP_GETH_URL] \
  --op-node-url [YOUR_OP_NODE_URL] \
  --kailua-host [YOUR_KAILUA_HOST_BINARY_PATH] \


All the parameters in this section can be provided as environment variables.


The first four arguments specify the endpoints that the validator should use to generate fault proofs:

  • eth-rpc-url: The parent chain (ethereum) endpoint for reading proposals and publishing proofs.
  • beacon-rpc-url: The DA layer (eth-beacon chain) endpoint for retrieving rollup data.
  • op-geth-url: The (archive) rollup op-geth endpoint to read fault proving witness data from.
  • op-node-url: The rollup op-node endpoint to read sequencing proposals from.


To create a fault proof, the validator invokes the kailua-host binary.

  • kailua-host: The path to the kailua-host binary to call for proof generation.


The validator requires a funded wallet to be able to publish fault proofs on chain.

  • validator-key: The private key for the validator wallet.


You must keep your validator's wallet well funded to guarantee the liveness of your rollup and prevent faulty proposals from delaying the finality of honest sequencing proposals.


Running kailua-cli validate should monitor your rollup for disputes and generate the required proofs!

Delegated Proof Generation

Several extra parameters and environment variables can be specified to determine exactly where the RISC Zero proof generation takes place. Running using only the parameters above will generate proofs using the local RISC Zero prover available to the validator. Alternatively, proof generation can be delegated to an external service such as Bonsai, or to the decentralized Boundless proving network.


All data required to generate the proof can be publicly derived from the public chain data available for your rollup, making this process safe to delegate.


Enabling proving using Bonsai requires you to set the following two environment variables before running the validator:

  • BONSAI_API_KEY: Your Bonsai API key.
  • BONSAI_API_URL: Your Bonsai API url.


Running kailua-cli validate with these two environment variables should now delegate all validator proving to Bonsai!


When delegating generation of Kailua Fault proofs to the decentralized Boundless proving network, for every fault proof, a proof request is submitted to the network, where it goes through the standard proof life-cycle on boundless, before being published by your validator to settle a dispute.

This functionality requires some additional parameters when starting the validator. These parameters can be passed in as CLI arguments or set as environment variables

Proof Requests

The following first set of parameters determine where/how requests are made:

  • boundless_rpc_url: The rpc endpoint of the L1 chain where the Boundless network is deployed.
  • boundless_wallet_key: The wallet private key to use to send proof request transactions.
  • boundless_offchain: (Optional) Flag instructing whether to submit proofs off-chain.
  • boundless_order_stream_url: (Optional) The URL to use for off-chain order submission.
  • boundless_set_verifier_address: The address of the RISC Zero verifier supporting aggregated proofs for order validation.
  • boundless_market_address: The address of the Boundless market contract.
  • boundless_lookback: (Defaults to 5) The number of previous proof requests to inspect for duplicates before making a new proof request.

Storage Provider

The below second set of parameters determine where the proven executable and its input are stored:

  • storage_provider: One of s3, pinata, or file.
  • s3_access_key: The s3 access key.
  • s3_secret_key: The s3 secret key.
  • s3_bucket: The s3 bucket.
  • s3_url: The s3 url.
  • aws_region: The s3 region.
  • pinata_jwt: The private pinata jwt.
  • pinata_api_url: The pinata api URL.
  • ipfs_gateway_url: The pinata gateway URL.
  • file_path: The file storage provider path.


Running kailua-cli validate with the above extra arguments should now delegate all validator proving to the Boundless proving network!